Breastfeeding and sleeping through the night?

Victoria • Mommy, wifey, foodie, wino, explorer, hair artist, traveler, dog lover, adventurer. 👶🏼👪🎬🌴🥂🍷🍻🌶🥩🌮🍕🍩💃🏼👙🌺☀️🌊

Ok so when baby starts sleeping through the night (I know it’s considered a 6-8 hour stretch), what do you breastfeeding mamas do when it comes time for the skipped night feeding? Do you get up and pump or do you just skip that feed all together? Does that not effect your supply and make your boobs feel like they’re about to explode? 😐 My kiddo is eats every 3 hours and 4 at night.