Depression and bf


I have depression and anxiety I’m allowed to take my depression meds but not anxiety. I’m gonna stop giving her my milk so I can be mentally healthy. But I’m gonna keep pumping. I can make soap or just dump it, but I just want to be on my meds long enough that I get past this stressful situation. No details but someone has framed my husband for selling drugs. We were in the city and he didn’t have a phone we only have my phone. But the judge takes a snitch over the truth.

but I want to continue to give her breast milk when the meds are out of my system. So I’m just pumping 2x a day to keep my milk, eating oats, drinking water. And compensating whenever I drink coffee or caffeine. What do you do with your contaminated milk? I’ve heard make soap, lotion. I’m the only one gonna use it Because of the narcotics from my anxiety medicine. I’ve heard it’s good for hair and skin?