My fiance really thought i was bleeding out via my bum hole !! πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚


So I'm 21 weeks pregnant and realised I hadn't shaved my 🐈 in a while so I wanted to treat my man and shave it ALL for him so we can get freaky later on!

So we were in the shower and I was shaving away when all of a sudden as I was shaving my bum hole I got a sharp pain and realised I had cut my actual bum hole ... 😢

So my fiance see's the blood ( I'm not going to lie bum holes bleed a lot, even I was surprised at the amount of blood coming out of my anus) and starts freaking out and I told him I cut my bum .

So this man has the audacity to push me up against the shower wall, bend down and spread my cheeks and stare at my blood covered bum hole!!!

Now my fiance and I are close but I have a thing about showing him my brown eye idk why I've just always felt weird about having my bum hole on display!

He then proceeded to tell me the condition of my bum hole and wash it with water for me as if he was a first year medical intern performing a serious procedure.

Needless to say I was embarrassed and this whole ordeal is a blur.

I'm happy to report my battered bum hole is sore but on the mend.

Needless to say I will be using A LOT of caution when shaving my bum hole next time!

I just had to share this little story with you girlies because I can't believe how much he freaked out about it, it was like he thought I was going to bleed out via my bum.

I think I have found a keeper, not every guy would willingly spread your cheeks to check if your bleeding bumhole was okay!

It was so sweet of him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but I'm so embarrassed about it but I guess it's something we can look back on and laugh about!