Tell me, am i overreacting this!?

My husband was talking about his days in the army. He told me that one of his buddy was supposed to go war w him, but he backed out, faked an injured, and stole his wife from him. He said it was so fucked up, he was really going to kill himself at that time. When he talked about it, he only bashed at that dude, but not his ex wife. He finds no faults in her at all! He even kept saying "my wife" Instead of my ex wife. He says just because that dude see thay he had a good looking wife, he decided to back out of war, just to steal her from him. He even blamed it on his sister that he told her to watch over his ex wife for him, so that she wont cheat on him. But she allowed her to. He only bashed the dude she cheated on him with, and his sister! He said that guy destroyed his marriage. He was so furious. I told him she took part in it, he wouldnt be able to destroy the marriage if she didnt allow it. But he got more mad, telling me im stupid and not put my emotions into it. He said all it matters is that he didnt go protect his country. This all happened 7yrs ago, and he dated someone else after her, and before me. I feel like he hasnt let her go yet, and he finds no fault in her at all! This makes me want to leave him. If hes happy w me, and our kids, he would be thankful all that happened right? And wouldnt keep saying "his wife" instead of his "ex wife." Am i just overreacting or what? Dont you agree w me? I forgot to mention that he wishes hed get to be w her again in another lifetime. And he says if he hadnt gone to war, she wouldnt have left him for his friend. He said this is why he always want me to dress like a guy and not wear makeup when we go hang w his guy friends. Cause he doesnt want them to steal me away from him.