Giving him some credit for being a hero


So, my guy works in the oil fields in West Texas. We see each other for 6 days every month and a half.

I had recently been having some major car issues (kept dying while idling randomly)

So I decided to buy a new one. I had been having an issue getting the sales man motivated enough to sell it to me (surprising since I WORK AT THE DEALERSHIP ugh)

My guy drove six hours over night, (on no sleep) after a 16 hour shift. He did so ONLY to sign his name on the finance paper and then he drove the 6 hours back to work..

Just to make sure I was in something safe and reliable ASAP

He got back to work. Slept for half an hour, and then jumped into another 16 hour shift.

What a man 😍😍 my hero.

Here I am saying goodbye to my knight in shining armor until the end of October :(

Oh, and the jealous pup 😂