My dad’s the worst

Idk if this is the right group to post this in so here it goes:

My dad is kind of the worst. Growing up he would get mad over the smallest things. One time I put my shoes near the table instead of on the shoe rack and he threw them at me. One time he asked me to hold something while it glued together and I stood there for 30 minutes at the age of 7 not moving a muscle and when I did accidentally he threw the thing across the room and blamed me for it breaking when it hit the wall. Every year on my birthday he would pick a fight with my mom that usually ended with my mom saying “don’t hit me” or “don’t push me down the stairs”. One time I accidentally pushed a button on the tv remote that stopped the show he was watching and he grabbed the remote out of my hands and threw it at me.

Like he was never a good dad. About a year ago he left my mom, me being an adult at 20 I knew it was coming and wasn’t super phased by it. I was like “OK so things will be a little different”.

He’s texted me a handful of times and showed up to my wedding with his new girl who was SPECIFICALLY not invited. This was my first time meeting her. Second time was my 21st birthday. I haven’t had contact since June. So when my mom told me she texted him last week saying “how could you just drop your daughter and step daughter?” guess what he did......

Texted my sister. His step daughter. I got nothing. So I texted this:

I told him how I’ve felt. Growing up my mom would hush me in the middle of a sentence and say “be careful what you say, it’ll piss off your dad”.

His response this morning:

I’m kind of crushed. His response is basically “think and feel how you want, I can’t change your mind so I won’t try.”