Men! I need your expertise.. or a translation in fact.

This person I’m seeing.. tells me he lacks signal and WiFi to message me at the moment cause he’s away. However uses social media. And I can see that he’s viewed my things but won’t message me. All I want is a little attention daily to make sure I’m okay

Messaged me the other night to tell me he missed me sexually.. so bootycall right? 1st time after I met him which was 2 weeks ago

Long distance so two weeks before I officially met him he stopped the effort to message me and hasn’t messaged me as such since. Except to tell me he wants me to go back down to see him again. But I don’t know how much he wants that. Cause there’s nothing to back it up ever.

Is he trying to get rid of me? Because when he messaged me he pulls me back in even when I try forget.

Your advice would be grateful cause I need. A little closure if I’m gonna step away .

If you think anything is there tho, let me know.

Or if you think I’m not the only girl he’s probably got tell me that too. Even if some of you would never do this. WHAT DOES IT MEAN.