Takes 2 to make a baby!

So me and hubby have been trying since 2016 on and off due to surgeries I’ve had. So after my fibroid 10cm (1 ovary removed) other ovary had a cyst (only deflated) I had may 18th of this year. So June we decided to actually try for our 1st baby. I’m 38 5,4 265lbs (changing diet/losing weight) hubby is 34 5’7 180ish lbs. I’m quit frustrated with my husband cause he doesn’t like “planned sex” he just wants it to let it happen on its own. My husband works 60-70 a week and works pretty much 6-7 days a week. Now I truly do understand that he’s exhausted by the time he gets home last thing on his mind is Baby dancing. if you really want a baby, you gonna do it when your supposed to. I tell him I’m not at that age where I can “ just let it happen”, ya if I was in my late 20’s or maybe early 30’s but not when I’m close to 40! Ugh he gets under my skin lol. Am I being to harsh or selfish?