I’m not okay... 😔

I feel so trapped and stuck ever since I got married and had my daughter last year. I guess just the idea of having no way out makes me want out even more. My husband and I have been together since I was 15 (I’m 21 now) we’ve both become completely different people, and I don’t like the person he’s turned into. He’s manipulative, angry at the world, nothing is ever good enough for him, the second he gets home he doesn’t stop complaining. We’ve gotten very physical countless times while dating and married, cops have been called on us a couple times. I have given my entire life plans up for him, I fell for him in high school, I got a tattoo for him, threw my dreams and career goals out the window for him, I actually never wanted kids but he did so we had a daughter, now he wants another one and I don’t. He’s not supportive at all in my future, he actually makes fun of me. If we were to separate, I would have no where to live and no way to support my daughter. When I bring up divorce in arguments he threatens to take her away from me and threatens other things too. I feel so stuck and I have no clue what to do, I feel like the longer I’m with him, The more miserable I become, Ive completely lost who I am as a person. nothing is ever about me anymore, just because I became a mom do I not deserve to be happy in life? It’s starting to feel like suicide is the only way out without hurting a lot of people. I’ve ruined my life and I don’t think there’s any turning back. I just want to run away. I’m tired of lying to everyone who asks “how have you been?” I’m not fine, I’m not good, I’m sad and feel alone, with no one to turn to or talk to.