Shaking right now! Rainbow baby on our 2 year Anniversary

Jamie • Married to my best friend. Ectopic January 18. MC August 18. PMP October 18.Mom to two fur babies 🐱

I am shaking right now...I miscarried on August 1st at 6 weeks and my period was not coming back and I have been waiting for it’s return. I was getting confused because I had ovulation symptoms twice in the past month so was not sure what was going on. I spotted on Saturday and a little Sunday and when I woke up this morning nothing so I was like um that’s weird I thought my period maybe was going to start. Something in me decided I should take a test because today is our two year wedding anniversary. I just pray this baby is in the right spot and a sticky bean! I can’t wait to surprise my husband tonight before we go out to dinner.