Faint positive but husband won’t believe it? Haha

Margie 🐣

So my husband and I started trying to have a baby at the end of last month and this month. I got off birth control and didn’t start a new back and we BD just about everyday till about 2 days after ovulation. We were exhausted! So then I start feeling symptoms and I kept saying I know I’m pregnant, I mean I’m drinking out of the pickle jar. It’s SOOO good. The other night I woke up laughing hysterically at my vivid dream. I tested a few days ago and it was negative and I tested yesterday and got a vvvf positive. So I told myself I’d wait two more days but I couldn’t and my husband insisted I test using the FRER so I did. At first I didn’t see the line and I was getting discouraged so I walked away to do my hair. Three minutes later 💥 a faint line so we waited another minute and sure enough it was darker. My husband still doesn’t believe it and says it’s too early and doesn’t want to get his hopes up. I caught him watching the science of PT on YouTube. He’s so cute. Now I’m chugging water cause he wants me to take the digital test haha. Oh sweet husband of mine. We’re having a baby. We did it.