
Catherine • I'm the mother if 3 amazing kids nick8,chloe6 and kenidy 21/2 soon to be four super excited and can't wait to find out what I'm having!!!!

Ok so I need to vent a little.since I got pregnant mine and my boyfriend's relationship has went down the drain pretty much. He's always in a bad mood always yelling and cussing me out and always thinking my opinion don't matter.we never spend no time together and when we do we fight we don't make plans with one another but he so quick to make plans with his friends and he leave my out of everything. and most of the time I don't even know

what he's doing and he thinks it's ok for him to leave or come home whenever. I'm get so sick of him. Always putting me and my kids second.I don't have a life cause I'm always with my kids and he refuses to watch them so I can just hang out and just take a breather.from everything and which I'm always stressed out and he mostly does it I need some advice on what to do it's not easy cause we been together for 12 years but u would think if he really cared he would show it more and he don't sorry don't mean to sou,d like a crybaby I just really don't have anybody to talk to......