Lizette • mama of 👩👩 & 👶 & 🤰 with the 4th💋💝🙌🙏ThankUJesus

So yesterday evening I took a pregnancy test I told my husband I had been feeling preggo symptoms (mind you I am 6-7 dpo supposedly.. idk because my ovulation calender switched on me 3 times) So I told my hubby let's go get the cheap preg. test just to see what happens we felt if so it would be way to early to tell but, he had mentioned that my belly looked different and my breast felt different too.. so I took a test and got a super vvfl.. but it was there well long story short I took a preg. test this morning with a digital FIRST REP and it's a BFP!... I was so excited I couldn't even sleep last night because I was so anxious to take the digital test this morning😁 I Feel so blessed...THANK YOU JESUS!😍🙏 my girls are going to be so excited 😄

yesterday evening

this morning.... if you have any questions I will gladly answer them😊