MIL tried to throw me a shower and I shut it down... Am I a terrible person? 😰

OK so I’m fully expecting some people to think I’m a crazy diva but I’ve been thinking about this all day and want to know if I’m wrong here.

So a little backstory, I’m 32 weeks pregnant and haven’t had a baby shower. We moved about 4 hours away from friends and family 6 months ago and the only social circle we have in our town is from our church. I love the people there but I wouldn’t say I’m super close with them. We see each other at church and I’ve been out to lunch with some of them but that’s really it. I’m a pretty reserved person and it takes a lot for me to open up to new people. With that being said I wasn’t expecting to have a baby shower and I’ve been week by week

buying the things that we need for the baby.

My mother-in-law came over to our house about three weeks ago and commented on why I have bought so much stuff for the baby already? And she asked why I wasn’t waiting until my baby shower. I said I wasn’t having a shower and she said she assumed people from my church would throw me a shower. I said no I don’t think so and left it at that. I can’t wait to buy all the items that I need until maybe someone possibly throws me a shower and nobody has even mentioned it. Like nobody has mentioned it I don’t see why anyone would throw me one. Fast forward to yesterday... Money is a little tight as I’m sure it is for everyone and my husband was just venting to his mom about stuff that we still need for the baby and expenses. She goes well I can’t believe no one from the congregation is throwing a shower I’ve never seen a congregation not throw a shower.

She lives about 3 hours away from us and she told my husband that she’s going to come down in two weeks and throw me a surprise baby shower and asked for the numbers of people in our congregation. My husband said yeah that would be great. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways she was texting him about it on his phone and he left his phone open right next to me and I saw all her texts. I told my hubby straight up that I really do not want her to throw us a shower and I feel super awkward about it. I just feel personally like it’s an excuse to get gifts. I mean sometimes I feel like a shower is to celebrate the baby but in this circumstance the way they went about it it’s like the only reason we’re having a shower is because we need stuff and it just makes me feel really crappy. I feel like I don’t know these people that well, she doesn’t know these people at all it’s just so weird. Like if someone from my church was sweet enough to throw me a baby shower that’s one thing but having our mother-in-law put one together just feels like a cash grab.

My hubby called his mom back and told her not to plan it but now they think I’m a weirdo and I just feel so bad, I feel like I’m a brat because they were trying to do something nice.

Am I way overthinking this? Would you have a shower with people you don’t really know? Should I have just let her throw it?