She's now a September baby! It's been a rocky two weeks

Becky • Mum of 2 👯‍♀️.

Our little girl was born this morning via emergency c section 4 weeks early. Doctor spotted a slow in growth 3 weeks ago and ran some blood tests - there was protein in my liver and my liver and kidneys hurt.

Went to the emergency room twice with high blood pressure but it went down whilst I was there. The last scan showed problems with the placenta and low amniotic fluid.

So here she is! The c section was absolutely fine and not what I expected at all. I'm now on bed rest and need to get up and walk tomorrow.

She is on oxygen and they noticed her breathing is erratic, partly because she's born at 36+3 weeks and also to do with the c section. She only had about a teaspoon of amniotic fluid left so we were so lucky! She was completely blue when she was pulled out. She was 2.58 kg and 42 cm long.

I haven't been able to hold her or see her yet, my husband took photos. I can't wait to hold her tomorrow, she's such a beauty 💖