Any guesses?

6w4d when this was taken. HB is 131 BPM and the US was transvaginal.

I know nothing about Ramzi Theory. DF already has a daughter and really wants a boy.

When we were TTC he looked up all these wives tales online about how to do it right to have a boy. 😂

Once I got my BFP, I got all hormonal one day thinking he wouldn’t love our baby if it turns out to be a girl. He now says he doesn’t care and is just happy we’re pregnant.

I think we’re having a boy (women’s intuition) and he says girl. He says girl because all of his family has all of one sex. He’s one of three boys, his aunt had three girls and so on. 😂

So after all that, what are your guesses and why do you guess that? Lol.