Surprise of a lifetime!


Back story, ive had two miscarriages, most recent one 35 days ago.

So today, I went in for a follow up appt with my gyno because I had an abnormal pap smear a few weeks ago. They did a routine urine sample, and I waited for the doctor.

He came in, and said come here, and brought me into a different room. He started pulling the ultrasound machine out.

I started shaking asking “why, whyre you touching that.” And he goes “honey, you’re pregnant.” I WAS IN TOTALY DISBELIEF.

The ultrasound showed a thickening uterus because I am so early, and he said thats a slam dunk sign, and I go back in two weeks for another. Hes also got me doing quantitative blood work every few days.

Yall I was surprised with my own pregnancy.

God, please let this be a sticky bean!!!! 🙏🏻♥️ 🌈

***and no, this was not hcg left over from the miscarriage, I tested negative at the office after the miscarriage***