Ah!! In just 3 more weeks....

Holly • Married💕💍 Proud mama to 1 girl and 1 boy 💙💜

I’m going to be a mother of two! I’m very excited and have wanted this second child for awhile. It’s just so crazy to think it’s finally happening and so soon. With my daughter I knew she would get all my attention and I’d just have to adapt to a baby in my life and figure it out. Now I’ve got a new little one coming in 21 short days and I’ve got my big girl (she’s 6 1/2) that will both need my time and attention. I think the age gap will help me with this transition because she is older and can understand more of what’s going on. It’s just so crazy to think I’m about to be a mother of two! And it couldn’t be more perfect 1 boy and 1 girl. Our family is complete! 💕 it’s going to be a crazy adjustment I’m sure but I have a wonderful husband who will make it all that much easier. Thank goodness his company has paternity leave! The first few weeks with our little guy and my daughter still needing to get to/from school and help with homework will be a big adjustment. A welcome change though that I’ve been counting down the days! Any advice from mama’s of 2+?