Ways to prepare for birth

Lili • Twin mama ~22~ Married 💍

Tl;dr: Best ways to prepare your body for a vaginal delivery of twins? Make it less painful and less likely to tear?

So YouTube and Google have been my best and worst friend that I've gone to to educate myself on twin pregnancy and delivery. Let me start out by saying this: I am way more terrified of a C-section than of tearing or pushing two tiny humans out of my lady bits. I've been watching live C-section birth videos on YouTube and I definitely do not want to be cut open like that. I get that sometimes you have to do that, like if the baby isn't in the position to do natural birth or if it's an emergency, but the more I look into it, the more I really just want a vaginal delivery of both babies. So here I am today to ask all of you this question: what are some of the things you did to prepare your lady bits for all that stretching and pain? I am a tiny girl, and so I know I'll probably tear and it'll be no fun, but are there ways to help with the easing of tearing? Like any diet or exercise that will help my body prepare naturally to have two babies?