First time

don’t judge this is my first time writing.


okay so it was just a normal day in July, i was walking around with my friends. i got a text from Ryan. he wanted to hangout so i let him know i was with Jax & Alli and he said “damn, i wanted to be alone but okay where are you” i always try to wait a few minutes before i text back so it doesn’t seem like i am just waiting for him. it never works though i always text back immediately. i replied “i’m sorry, maybe later😏” because i’m such a flirt, but he also knows i’m lowkey a wuss. all he replies with is “😉” so eventually i tell him where we were and told Jax & Alli we had to stop walking and wait, a short time after i told Ryan where we were he showed up. we all started walking towards the park. we finally get there and there a shit ton of people there, lots of kids playing baseball. some teens playing basketball which Jax & Ryan joined as soon as we got there. me and Alli sat down on the bench inches away from the basketball court, just barely on the grass. about an hour goes by and the boys are finally done playing basketball, at least for now. they walk over as Ryan lifts up his shirt and proceeds to take it off. i gently bit my bottom lip looking at his perfect abs. i quickly look up to make sure he didn’t see me bite my lip. but my dark brown eyes met his perfect ocean blue eyes, he just looks down at his stomach then back up at me and gives me this smirk. man i just wanted to melt 😍🤤 Jax & Ryan finally made their way to the bench where Alli and i sat. about a half hour goes by, and Jaxson was back to playing basketball, Ryan went to the bathrooms, and i pushed Alli on the swings. after i give her a few underdogs i walk back over to the bench, as soon as i sat down i get a text. it was from Ryan i look around trying to find him because i didn’t even know he had come out of the bathroom. i spot Ryan on the other side of the park. i look at the message which reads ...


should i continue?