Phase Two: Little Brother’s Room

Holly • Wife to an amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mama to two sweet and spunky little boys 👦🏼👶🏼💙

For those of you who saw my previous post about my toddler’s room transformation.. I’m excited to now share our finished nursery for little brother!

We went with a wildnerness/bear/mountain theme (or something like that 😂) The color/warmth in some of these is a little off due to the lighting in the room. I was too impatient to take daytime shots in natural light.

32 weeks today and anxiously awaiting his arrival 💙

ETA: I’ve seen lots of posts with mamas looking for suggestions on organization - what to keep in the dresser/changing table, closet, etc. so I wanted to add photos of the inside of our dresser if it helps anyone 😊 I typically keep the current size (anything not needing to be hung) in the dresser and hang things like sweatshirts, sweaters, buntings, etc in the current size in the closet. Clothing in additional sizes get hung in the closet as well just towards the back, and I move into the dresser as needed. Second baby this time, so I don’t have much larger sizing hung - it’s folded in boxes down below.