My cat is dying—UPDATE


I’ve had my cat for 15-16 years. I got him as a kitten. Yesterday, he didn’t want to eat, he had diarrhea, trouble breathing. I did google his symptoms and they all suggest that he’s dying. He is also a diabetic. I have been regular with his insulin and at his last vet appointment all his blood test were normal. I do have him more outside than in because since my mom is a fall risk and he has a tendency to get in her way I just felt it was easier if he were outside where he has room to roam. He’s never left the yard and he’s very safe. Since he’s predominantly an outdoor cat, yesterday when I noticed the change in him, I also noticed a lot of flies by him. I read that flies know when someone (animal or human) is about to die. With the amount of flies I saw, I felt it confirmed he was dying. Now I did make an appointment with his vet but when I checked on him it seemed like he stopped breathing and was already gone. I called the vets office and canceled the appointment and told them he was gone already. But when I went back to him, he was breathing again. I didn’t call the vets office back because I figured it wasn’t much longer. But he’s still alive. I’m not sure what to do. Do I go to another vets office or just let him go naturally. He’s not responding when I call his name. I know he’s suffering but I’m also on a very tight budget and I don’t know how much it will cost to put him down. I’ve barely managed to be able to pay for his insulin and other medications and supplies he’s needed these last few years. And now my dad’s making me feel terribly guilt because I haven’t taken him to the vet, when he agreed yesterday that we should just let him go naturally. Of course my parents are on as tight a budget as I am. As it is I pay for all my mom’s medications of which there are a lot of. So they can only help me so much. I don’t know what to do

UPDATE: I had replied back to comments with updates but I realized I should have put an update here as well. I did find a mobile vet to come to see him yesterday. Upon there examination they found that he was already in a coma and any movement he was making were actually seizures. They agreed that putting him down was best to end his suffering. He went quickly. I went with a mobile vet so he could die at home with his human family around him. I did make another post with pictures of him, but I should have updated this one sooner as well.