My boyfriend lied about having sex with someone when we were on a break.

I don’t care about the fact that it happened (we were on a break and though I didn’t have sex with anyone I went on dates and he was single so whatever I have no right to be mad). But he lied about it when I straight up asked him (I wanted to know about sexual health and to make sure I was keeping myself safe, etc. The first time he told me we were lying in bed together, having just gotten back together and about to have sex. He swore he stopped after the condom was on because he was too upset. Then, then when she came up (she works with him) in a few conversations after that, he denied having sex with her again. Well, I just confronted him today and he admitted that he did have sex with her, but only lied initially because he was afraid of losing me or messing up our getting back together, then kept lying when it came up because he “had dug himself in too deep.” I love him and we’ve been together for over a year but he lied to my face several times. I don’t know what to do. Did he really just do a stupid thing because he was scared, or does that even matter if he’s capable of lying to me like this. Thoughts?