Confused About Bf matter

So i looked through my bf’s phone 2 days after i went out of town for a day and a half because something was off. We both have trust issues, so it’ll set us off when all of a sudden i found out there’s a girl talking to him or a guy talking to me. I saw this girl on Snapchat whose name started with a C. I THOUGHT for sure her Snapchat had blonde hair. Along with another who i thought was his friends mom but idk anymore. When i confronted him i asked him if he was talking to anybody else and he said no so i said prove it to me and he showed me his iMessages and there was nothing; when i asked about Snapchat that’s when he said no. So obviously there was some hiding and i told him he needs to tell me, whether it’s somebody from when he was in school or over a game. He finally told me that he deleted the message, which he didn’t because i saw her message him the same day i confronted him, and he said what her name was that matched her name one Snapchat. He said that his friends put her in a group chat because they played with her over the PS4 and that she’s 33 yr old with 2 kids and married. He promised me he wouldn’t hide anything again and will start telling me.

Later i found another girl with the same name who lives IN THE SAME TOWN. So i started being hesitant and i confronted him about that and he said it wasn’t her. When i asked him to ask his friends one of his friends was joking around and said “what pics did you send her” with laughter, and then another one said it is the 33 yr old. So i told him to give me her Snapchat and describe what her avatar looks like. He told me her avatar had dark hair and a round face. and i thought FOR SURE, it was blonde hair. He told me her name started with a name of something. So i asked him to give me the snap name. We then called his friend who said over the phone he did add her in the group and he is friends and that he will give me her snap. 20 min later (since he was playing a game) he texted saying he didn’t add her and that he’s not friends which made NO SENSE. so the next day (today) my bf said he got her snap and he sent it to me. The name was the same name he described that was in there. But it doesn’t add up because when i messaged her, it sounded like his friend or him. Saying “idk what’s going on, I’m just 33 yrs old with 2 kids and married” the exact same thing they told me. Same statement. I asked her when she talked to him because i only know, and she said a few days ago when it was yesterday or 2 days ago. Then said that she doesn’t know what’s going on and that she’s going to go because she has things to do. Later when me and my bf we’re arguing i asked him that i would call the girl on snap. Come to find out she unadded me as a friend.

What do you think is true and not? Is he cheating? Was he talking to the girl in town or over the game..idk what to believe anymore. Everytime i keep this argument up it gets worse because he didn’t have much sleep and he’s saying things to hurt my feelings, switching up on me from fighting for our relationship to not caring. Idk. I would like to know opinions