Mental health

Hello ladies and possibly gents,

I suffer with anxiety and depression I’m 18 I take 100mg of sertaline everyday recently upped by my doctor from 50mg, I wake up in the middle of the night having panic attacks, my anxiety makes me physically sick, I have been sick every day since last Friday and it only takes the smallest thing to trigger it. I had a panic attack the other day because I went into a shop on my own and had to decide what drink to buy?! It’s ridiculous! It’s literally controlling my life! I can just about get through a day at work! I’m a big girl I wouldn’t say I’m massive but I am over weight because I love my food and don’t get me wrong it isn’t a bad thing I’ve gone off food but it’s too the point where I can go days without eating and when I try and eat I just sit their chewing it until it’s basically liquid because the thought of swallowing it makes me want to be sick, not because i have a eating disorder but because my anxiety makes me feel physically sick I’ve lost 2 stone in 3 months and I mean it’s not a bad thing I’ve lost weight it’s just in the way it’s happening and how quickly I lost 5kg In 4 days?

I’ve tried councilling I’ve tried cognitive behavioural therapy, I’ve tried sleeping tablets prescribed and natural I’ve tried listening to sleep cds, reading books with advice. when I have a panic attack I used to be able to pull myself out of them but it doesn’t work anymore, I’ve tried changing my diet and sleeping pattern.

I have had a MRI (head), ECG and blood tests as they didn’t know if their was actually something wrong with my physically. (All appeared normal)

I’m just at a lost to be honest any advice would be great, I’ve just got to the point where I’m not sure what to do anymore, I was thinking about trying hypnotherapy? Any help would be great.