

I’m 34+5 with our 2nd boy💙 With my first I went in to be induced at 39 weeks and only had Braxton Hicks if I was up walking around a lot or doing something strenuous. Lately I’ve been having them when I’m just sitting or laying on the couch. They aren’t so painful that I can’t breath but I notice them right away. I had an apt on Monday and told the Dr about them and told her I’d been having them all weekend...not regular or able to time them but while I wasn’t doing anything. She said that if they keep happening or pain gets worse to call and let my Dr know. She said they don’t usually start checking until 36 weeks when they do the group B test but she checked me because I’ve been having a lot of pain down there for a while and I feel pressure all the time but I wasn’t dilated and my cervix was still closed and long. She said my Dr will check me again at my 36 week apt but everything seemed fine. Is it normal? I didn’t have any of this with my 1st son and was NEVER in as much pain as I am now with baby #2. I walk like I’m a 90 year old woman everything hurts from my ribs to my vagina😵I get random shooting pains from my belly button to my vagina for a few seconds while I’m walking and feel like I’m going to drop the my knees then it goes away so I’m guessing it’s him pressing on nerves? Other than that I have no idea this is my 2nd and last. This pregnancy has been 1,000% different than my first I don’t know if I could go through everything again so I’ve already signed the papers to get my tubes removed after birth😢it makes me sad to think about not having any more but then I try walking and I’m like nope... this is happening! Also with my son I had back labor so I don’t think I really know what regular contractions feel like. This time I want to go into labor on my own I want to experience the whole labor at home before going to the hospital and not be stuck in a bed for 24 hours especially since he is my last I just don’t know what to expect because everything was planned out with my first and I was kind of told what was going to happen when due to all the meds and induction. Thanks for reading!