
So my baby daddy and I are not together. Technically we never were. We made poor choices and now here we are. Initially he wanted nothing to do with me or this baby. But for some unknown reason he came around about a month ago. Well he's been pressuring me recently about wanting to be involved and come to the hospital and such. I told him I would consider it. But the thing is my mom hates his guts and she's been the one supporting me. It'd be a slap in the face to her to just welcome this dead beat back into my world. I told him honestly that my mom is my best friend and I'm not risking my relationship with her for a split second with him. He's all like she'll be fine, she'll get over it, she has to understand, she won't be mad (keep in mind he's never met her and I know my mom will be none of those things).

He asked to hang out this evening after work. I was like ok sure and asked if I could just meet him at his place. He was like no you can't come here, my mom won't be happy and will make it weird and freak out and he doesn't want to deal with how she'll respond to me. So I texted back and was like umm so my mom has to be cool with you but your mom can't be cool with me? That's not fair at all. You can't ask me to ruin my relationship with my mom and you feel like you have to protect your relationship with your mom. How is that Fair??? My mom has to roll over and accept you and what you want but your mom doesn't have to?! I was like no way. Forget that. I'm protecting my mom before you at all cost. The exact same way you're protecting your mom.

Now he's just ignoring me and not responding. Which is totally fine. I'm not saying my mom has to love him or his mom has to love me and we don't have to be best friends. But this is two sided. And I know I'll get backlash for this, but I'm not letting him anywhere near the hospital when I give birth. I'm allowed to make a personal choice. I can choose who I want to be there. Baby daddy or not. Does not matter. And I choose my mom. She's my day one. End of story. If he wants to come, he can bring his mom with him and everyone can deal with this reality. I'm not throwing my mom under the bus to appease him.