today didn’t turn out at all like i had planned...super long


i’ve been induced before but this time was different. i’ve never started at 0 before. i had to come in last night to start the cytotec, i was nervous to say the least. i was so nervous and anxious about this whole process knowing this was going to be my earliest induction and she was just so little. so we come in at 8 pm, get all settled in and they give my first dose and check me...a 1. so i prepared myself for a long night. 1 am and they give me my second dose and check me...a 2. at this point i’m a little disappointed because my only birth plan was GET THE EPIDURAL. they start pit at 4 am and contractions are picking up so i asked to be checked...a 2 1/2. my thoughts...dear god please don’t let this end in a c-section. i just had this nagging feeling that’s what would happen. so i stay on the pit, and i walk and bounce and try to get myself moving. i just keep telling myself 1 1/2 more and i can get my epidural. my doctor comes in at 9 am and breaks my water and checks me...a 3. fml, this is going to be the longest day ever!!! now things really start hitting hard. i feel like the contractions should be doing something, anything because they freaking hurt! i asked to be checked...3 1/2. at this point i’m sure i’m going to be getting a c-section. my nurse suggests the peanut ball. so we do that and oh my god it was torture. it made the contractions really come hard, i thought for sure it had to have gotten me to that magical number 4. i asked to be checked and hallelujah we made it to a 5 but good lord these contractions are killing me. i ask to get the epidural like NOW! so they call the anesthesiologist and he gets here quick and starts getting me ready all the while i’m having back to back contractions. he’s just about ready to put it in and i tell them i need to push. the nurse tells me no, just hold on. i tell them no, really, i feel her head trying to come out as i’m sitting on the edge of the bed. my husband lays me down and sure enough, just as i’m bringing my legs up onto the bed she comes out. it was like a slip and slide, she just popped right out. all the nurses were running around trying to get things for her and call my ob to tell him we have a baby. it was CRAZY! but then the scary stuff started...her lungs seem to be filled with fluid, our tiny little hospital nursery couldn’t take care of her as bad as they tried so she was taken by helicopter to a level 1 trauma center an hour and a half away. because my labor was so quick and easy the nurses talked my ob in to releasing me a short 7 hours after giving birth so we could drive down to be with her. we’re crossing our fingers this will be a short nicu stay but it’s still unknown at this point. so if you’ve managed to read this whole story we could sure use some prayers for our sweet baby willow kaelee.