Medical cannibis while pregnant

Please give me your advice. I have a chronic pain condition and am on medical cannibis. I just found out I am pregnant. I've spoken to my pain doctor prior to being pregnant and he encourages me to keep with my pain management plan and continue to use medical cannibis.

I come from a place that I believe in eating clean, no smoking, and no caffeine. I do this because I want to do everything for this child. However my pain in unbearable I am talking about on fire 24/7.

What would you do?

Keep with what your doctor suggests who also encouraged us to have a family. Or to stop and live with the worst pain for 9 months.


Should clarify I do not smoke. It is in a liquid oil form and lotion.

Obgyn also suggested for me to continue taking my medication. They do not advise me to stop. I have made the decision to stop for the first trimester. It is super hard due to the fact I am not sleeping more then 2 hours a day if that and am now confined to bed due to my pain. However my husband backs up any decision I make. We want to give our child the best and we are not sure what that is.

I wish there was more evidence out there supporting either side. The lack of studies and long term effects is wrong.

Thanks for all your comments and care.

Best wishes.