When itching is too much itching. Long post

ann marie

Lately I have been getting pretty itchy. Which I know is pretty common at this stage in pregnancy with all the skin stretching. However I had seen a post on social media saying you should always let your doctor know if you become super itchy. Well yesterday I had my normal weekly appointment and I mentioned it. She didn't seem overly concerned but ordered a blood drawn and I thought nothing else about it. Until I got a call around 5:30pm telling me I had tested positive for Cholestasis, and they wanted to move my planned C-section to this morning instead of October 1st. I'm still doing some research about what Cholestasis is so I can't really give a ton of info, I just know it's something only pregnant woman get and it has something to do with your liver and can become dangerous quickly. Basically this long post is just to say, if you're feeling like you're itching even a little bit more than normal tell your doctor. A simple blood draw is a lot easier than the complications that could arise if you dont. Oh, and wish me luck this morning. I'm freaking out!