I have been ttc for the last 10 months

Jasmine • Lost 3 babys... finely brought my babies girl amara into this world March 29, 2022

It has been a hard road and we new we would only have 10 months. Oladapo is leaving for a 4 month training and when I am able to visit and hes able to I probably wont be ovulating. So we are going to have to take a break and I am not ready to have to wait 4 months till we can try again. This is going to kill me that I did not get pregnant. I woke up with a little bit of blood down there. I am not suppose to start my period in 2 days. This is killing me. I cant wait to have our little baby one day when God blesses use with one 🙄😭😓😥😪😰😭😭😭