Hospital choices


Here's where my questions/concerns come in...

A little history on me I have Lupus, but not systemic lupus, it only effects my skin and I am on medication that has kept it under complete control, I was high risk, they said I no longer have to be high risk...

I was also born 3 months early and I do run a risk of early labor...

We live in a very small town, the Doctor I am currently seeing is my primary care doctor, the hospital and her office is about an hour from our house... they do not have a nicu, or any way to handle extreme emergencies...

The closest hospital with a nicu is going to be 2 hours from us... I have contemplated sending my records to a doctor I found out there and planning on delivering there if we can get there because of the ability to handle more...

if these were your only options for hospitals what would you do? Would you pick the closer one without a nicu or the one 2 hours away with a nicu?