Woke up so scared about my situation. ( kind of a long story post) :(

Sarah • My children are my life!

I guess I'll share my story. Oct 2014, I got a great job paying $15-$18/hr, in November I had a medical emergency where I had an ectopic pregnancy. I was hurt emotionally and physically. I was fired from my job because I lost two weeks of work on my prohibitionary period. I sank into a deep depression.

I finally found a job again in February, but mentally, I wasn't ready. I called in because I was too depressed and I even tried to kill myself. When I went to the mental hospital I was fired from my job that next Tuesday. Because of my mental illness. That was in April. I seeked help from my general practitioner, while I was on a waiting list for a goodpsychiatrist. (The meds my g.p. Gave me is what I believe made my depression worse and I o.d'ed)

Come early June, I found out I was pregnant. I started getting happier and I had been on medicine before hand. But with being so high risk I stopped my medication. I am prone to panic attacks and depression.

The next week, my son's dad filed for full placement claiming I was mentally unfit for my son. (But while in court said he wished I could see him more.. Which the judge thought was very interesting and told him he shouldn't have filed in the first place).. By this time I had started getting the right help and setting a counselor.

I woke up this morning thinking about how am I going to pay my credit card bill ($250), my kohls bill ($67.. Had to buy nice clothes for court foot my son), & my car loan ($2850). I can't lose my car!

I'm just so overwhelmed. I can't really work because my ectopic pregnancy wasn't handled right. I have constant pain in my right tube and my new doctor believes it's blocked. So standing/sitting in one place for more than 30 min hurts so bad and makes me want to cry, so laying down is my only comfort. I'm on hydrocodone (I only take half because I don't want to take to much). This makes it very difficult to find a job.

I'm just so stressed and had to tell someone. Sorry for the long rant. Please just send prayers. Please don't bash.. I'm already feeling low right now.