Is 2 months too soon to move in?

So my boyfriend and I have known each other for a total of 4 months now. for the first month that we knew each other we were really trying to understand what we felt towards each other. It's a huge Long messy story that doesn't really matter. So about a month ago I moved in with him. It wasn't planned at all and it basically just came from the fact that him and I were spending every night together anyways and we live an hour apart. It makes sense really especially because we do so well together. Before if we fought do you usually wouldn't talk for the rest of the day but now if we get into a little argument we're forced to deal with each other. I moved in with him before even telling my parents it's who I was living with. I just kind of stopped going home as much and ended up staying with him. my family is happy for me and they say they haven't seen me any happier and they're fully supportive. I don't think it's a bad thing myself but then again I'm the one living the situation 😂🙄

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