Hospital bags... have you packed yet?!

Monique • Momma to two boys • 08.16.16 • 10.16.18💙

Y’all, I feel like I’m slowly running out of time 😩 almost 34 weeks and I’ve THOUGHT of packing bags.. but never actually get around to doing it. I don’t even remember what I packed with my first, for him or myself. I feel like I need to start throwing stuff into bags, even if I take out/change/rearrange over the next few weeks. If you haven’t packed yet, when are you planning to?

And how in the world do y’all pick the baby’s clothes?! With our first we didn’t know if he’d be a boy or girl so we were very limited with selection.. this time we know and have all his clothes hung up but I just can’t decide which pj’s/onesies I want 😂🙈

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