Indigo 🦋

I’m in DESPERATE need of help guys. My husband & I are at the end of our rope with our cats & I really don’t know what to do. We have one male/one female from the same litter who WONT STOP PEEING OUTSIDE THEIR LITTER BOX. This has been going on for almost 2 years. Our couch, our bed, our clothes/towels, etc. The male cat is also now SPRAYING.

•both are fixed

•they don’t fight & get along great

•they have 3 litter boxes, all in separate areas of these house

•we have used the same litter their whole life

•we change it daily

•the don’t cry when they pee

•they’re both eating & drinking just fine

•we haven’t gotten any new pets

•we haven’t moved or had any massive changes

We’ve tried Feliway & some UTI drops per the vets recommendation. Nothing is helping. I think the Feliway has made the spraying worse for the male cat.

Does ANYONE have any advice for me?? My husband is about ready to give them to a friend, which completely breaks my heart to think of. I love them & couldn’t imagine doing this, but I also am tired of our things being peed on!