Sisters chart! Anyone able to analyze?

Mommaof4 • 29 yrs old. Mom to- 👦🏼, 👧🏼, 👧🏼, 👶🏼

Her luteal phase is about 11 days. Today her temp went up instead of dropped like it usually does right before AF! Could this POSSIBLY mean pregnancy? Just a bit excited since it would be her first baby! I’m not trying to get overly hyped. I over lapped her previous cycles & current cycle is in blue. You can see where her temp went up today instead of previous cycles where it dropped. She does use Ava bracelet which makes her temps look super low. It does that for every girl using Ava. Thanks lovely ladies. Trying to be cautiously optimistic for her ❤️❤️


She tested yesterday & it was a BFN. Her temp dropped a bit so here is her new chart. Hopefully she isn’t out yet!