Nursing and low weight gain


My LO is a month old when he was born he weighed 6lbs he had 1 feeding and was sent to the nicu he wasn’t able to eat for 5 days after that so he dropped when we left the nicu at almost 2 weeks old he was 5.13 at his check up a week later he was back to 6.0 we did his 1 month check up almost 2weeks later (Monday) and he was only 6.1 so now I’m all kinda of worried we go back Monday for a weight check. I made an appointment with a LC to make sure my latch was good and if there was anything wrong. We did a weight check and found out he took in 2oz. He’s eating about every 3-4 hours now and nurses for at least 40 minuets at a time going back and forth of sucking and not but I feel like he’s asleep more at the boob than anything. I EBF so we don’t do bottles so I have no idea what the doctor is going to say if he still hasn’t gained much. Do I not make enough for him to eat why isn’t he gaining anything 😭😭😭