Should I feel like wtf???

Alright, so my boyfriends work is a pretty laid back place to work. I know theres always sexual humor amongst the guys which is pretty typical to me. But there's a gay guy that actually has a fucking crush on my man 😲!!! He told me about a situation he was uncomfortable with a few months ago that involved him. All of the other co-workers who knew about it also went against him and he backed off. I think he grabbed him inappropriately and had said some inappropriate things as well (not in the same day.) It was shrugged off and by me also. Here lately I noticed him on comments on his Facebook posts.

First convo is about how we have power back from the storm that hit the East coast this past week. The guy that has the hots for my man is the first comment,the second is another coworker (who is a complete bitch ass cunt muffin,egging it on.) The third my boyfriend.

The second is a picture of a gif that was commented from hotty thotty on a post my boyfriend shared saying "in a gif what do you think my life is like."

The last is a convo about boyfriend returning to work from being out due to the hurricane. First comment is the guy,second comment is me,boyfriend replies with a gif that says "I love you" and I reply you better. So what in the actual fuck???? I confronted my boyfriend on the spot when I saw the I'm excited to see you again (❤) I said okay it's to the point where I need to say something. I don't care if it's a man or woman its flirting and inappropriate. He doesn't think anything of it and probably thinks I'm being over dramatic. I will keep confronting and making my presence known. 🙄