Tampons hurt

Okay I’ve been using tampons since I was about 15, I used only pads before this, and not a problem.

But I noticed within maybe the past year or so I’ve been getting HORRIBLE cramps, now my cramps have always been bad, but on top of this my actual vagina hurts. Like not cramps. My vagina. My poon. My cooch. My hoo-ha.

I think it’s from the tampons what with all the chemicals in them, but I’m not sure. This has been recent (ish) so haven’t gotten the chance to bring it up with the doctor (last visit I forgot since it wasn’t happening at the time it just slipped my mind), does this make sense, and do any of you experience the same thing? Doesn’t matter what size tampon, I only really use regular and light.

I just bought pads so we’ll see how that goes but as of right now no change

I’d really appreciate any comments!

Thanks in advance everybody :)