Help! Any suggestions much appreciated!

Lauren • 11.16.13 👶🏽💕 4.14.19 🌈👶🏽💕; finally pregnant with my boy! due 12.04.21 🤰🏽💙

I will be 10 weeks with our rainbow baby on Sunday and we have our first ultrasound on Monday. Though I am extremely nervous because this is an extremely high risk pregnancy but I know it’s all in God’s hands so I know everything will be okay. I am looking for a super fun and creative way to tell my almost 5 yr old daughter that she is going to be a big sister! She is going a big sister!!! She is going to be SOO excited! I want to make it so fun for her since this will most likely be our last one.Anyone have any cute and fun suggestions?! Didn’t see much that was interesting on Pinterest! I know some of you are sooo creative, it blows my mind some of the stuff I see on here! Thanks in advance!! :)