Not a candidate for IVF


I went in for blood tests today and my Estrogen levels were at 85. I was told I couldn’t start <a href="">IVF</a> unless it was at 74 or below. I had no clue. I also tested on day 4 of my pms and I think I should have tested sooner like on day 1 or day 2?! I’m so mad and disappointed at myself. The fertility clinic staff told me I could test Btwn day 1-4 and it was just easier for my work schedule to test day 4 and now I totally regret it.

Do levels of estrogen vary that much when you test from day 2 of your cycle vs day 4? I am 39 and have had 3 MCs. Two last year back to back and one just this past July. This just doesn’t get any easier for me.

I don’t know what to do next ?!?!