Baby Bumps Before and After 😱😍


8 weeks

39 weeks

9 days pp

Just when you thought that you could sleep on your stomach again.... its not your belly anymore getting in the way... its your breasts! 😂

I’m amazed of what our bodies are capable of. Such little tiny miracles. After having my mind set of a birth plan, “natural-no meds” ...things didn’t go as we’d planned, and gave birth to my son with the help of epidural forceps and whatnots.

Now I’m on this new journey, learning about sore breasts, lochia, after pains of labor, side effects of epidural, lose joints, striking hunger, sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, pumps, checking every diaper, skin rash, colic, gas, lip tie, oversupply, visitor rules, sids, baby acne, diastasis recti, getting to know my husband as a daddy, being a mom, finding time to shower lol.... ughhh so many different things!

And then... every 2-3 hours (maybe more) when i get to feed him, and admire every aspect of his little face, Jesus thank you for the privilege of being a mom and for this wonderful and amazing experience you’ve given us. I know one day I won’t have it anymore, time flies, and I WILL make the most out of everyday! ❤️❤️

Let me see your belly progress MOMMASSS!!!!