Is this prelabor-FTM here?


37W 1D today and baby dropped last week. Over past two days have had drastic increase in BH contractions, feeling nauseous, lots of pelvic pressure and pain. New as of yesterday is one episode of awful explosive diarrhea with constant mild to moderate abdominal discomfort across my abdomen, which is very firm, as well as back cramps. I’ve had even more increasing intermittent contractions that woke me up last night and continue this morning. Have not lost a mucus plug, which I know not everyone does. But is this prelabor with labor close by? I know I’m not sick and has nothing to do with anything I ate. Oh and I measured 40w at my appt this week with ultrasound showing she’s ready to rock, in position, and weighting 7 lb 4oz. Any thoughts would be helpful- thank you! Plus if it is prelabor I should probably get my shit together and have hubby do toenails and shave legs 😂😂