Emergency winter supplies for car?

With winter coming up, I am contemplating what to store in my car in case of emergency. Generally I have a lot of supplies just in case but now I’ve got a baby and a huge stroller in the trunk and there’s just not a lot of space. Plus I’m tired of carrying a bunch of stuff and never ever touching it.

So what’s your bare minimal emergency winter gear you keep in your car?

I was thinking:

those foil looking heating blankets (one for me and one for my daughter)

A couple granola bars

A can to pee in (when I was pregnant I got stuck on the highway in stopped traffic for hours and had to pee sooo bad)

No water (it’ll just freeze)

Nice warm gloves (in case we have to walk)

Obviously my AAA card (because as long as I have cell service, that pretty much ensures that I don’t have to worry about Too much). But I do live in a rural area where we don’t always have service.