Ring question ! 💍

So I was engaged and married and my ring size was 7.5 exactly, then I got pregnant and towards the end of my pregnancy, I was swelling and retaining water so much, I had to remove my rings, and then I wasn’t able to put them on again. I gained A LOT of weight through my pregnancy, and it’s been very slow coming off. I lost about 20lbs fairly soon after birth, but didn’t budge from that until recently, I’ve lost another 15lbs roughly.

I tried on my rings again for the first time in a long while and they fit, but it pretty snug, very snug, actually. I SO desperately want to wear my wedding bands again, should I leave my rings on so my finger can get used to these rings again, and eventually form that ‘dent’ rings typically leave where they rest on the finger, or should I take them off until further notice?


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