No understanding


Today has been rough. The 2 meds I’m on for my <a href="">IVF</a> cycle have me all over the place. I have to take the Lupron about 12 hours apart. Why in the world did my boyfriend get mad at me because I can’t draw it up and bring it in a cooler so we can go to dinner before a hockey game? It was like he was oblivious that I was on these meds. I told him he was being inconsiderate as I’m trying not to cry. It’s hard enough to stay stress free with my dad starting his cancer treatments and complications with that and my crap teaching assignment this year.

I feel like I’m getting zero support. I can’t go to my friend who understands fertility problems because she just ran out of money for treatment and is dealing with that. My mom is stressed out herself. My siblings are useless. We didn’t tell his family because they’re judgmental (and wish he was with his ex gf from years ago)

What do you do when you feel alone in this? 😞