The virgin fuckboy? Part 4

Where did we leave off? Hmm oh yeah! Jace had put his jacket around me. I woke up and he was driving it was dark out. He said “Hey Jessie, your awake.” I replied sleepily “Jace, babe? What time is it?” He said “9:30” I said “JACE SHIT I GOTTA GET HOME!” He said “Don’t worry just call your mom tell her the movie ran late or something. What time do you have to be home?” “10:30” I said. I picked up my phone and said “Ok I’m calling her behave” I dialed her number. She answered. My mom said “Hello?” “Hey mom, sorry I may be a little late coming home. The movie ran late” she says “oh sweetie don’t worry about it. You can stay out with Jace as late as you want. I’ve heard he is a good kid. In fact just stay over at his house the weather is bad I don’t want you driving home in this terrible weather” “oh ok mom thanks? Love you! Bye! I’ll call you later” Jace asks “So what did she say?” “Well she said your a good kid” he bursts out laughing “what else” he asks. “She said I don’t have to come home” I said with a smirk. He said “Oh really? Well my parents aren’t home. Wanna head to my place” “well duh” he laughs and says “We will be there in 10 if you want to go back to sleep.” I said “Nah I would rather stay up and jam with you” he turns up the radio and I hop in the front seat. We jam out till we get to his place. He stops and parks his car. He immediately jumps out and uses his jacket to shield us from the rain. We stop and look at each other. He drops his jacket and picks me up and kisses me. We just stood there in the rain. I decided to mess with him. I kissed him and ran. He shouted “Jessie you don’t wanna play this game” I said “TRY ME, COME GET ME” we chased each other in the rain. He finally caught me and carried me in. I giggled the whole way inside. We were soaked. My dress was dripping and his shirt and pants were also dripping. He took of his shirt and hung his jacket on the coat rack. He carried me up the stairs and turned on the shower. He said “Here you can take a shower I’ll be in my room. Do you need anything?” I giggled and said “well I need one thing” “what is that” “you” he laughed and pushed me in the bathroom. We started kissing and he started to take off my dress, while I unbuttoned his pants. He pulled me into the shower with him. We just stood there kissing and looking at each other. We decided to hop out and not waste water. He wrapped me in a towel and lead me to his room. He gave me a shirt of his to wear while he got dressed. I put on the shirt and as I turned around I tripped and fell flat on my face. Jace ran towards me laughing and he picked me up I had just his t-shirt on and he had nothing but boxers on. He was still laughing and I started laughing to. We just fell on his bed laughing. We both just laughed then suddenly he stopped and I awkwardly stopped laughing to. He kissed me softly again. He told me to close my eyes. I did as he said. When he came back he said “Jess lay down.” I said “Jace what are you doing?” I opened my eyes and he had a box full of sex toys and bondage’s. My eyes got wide but I played along. He said “Is this ok?” I said “Daddy this is fine” with a smirk on my face. I took my shirt off as he climbed over me. He took my hands and tied them to each side of the bed. He took my legs and tied them to the bed also then put a blindfold over my eyes. He climbed on top of me and breathed on my neck. He started to kiss me all over. I said “Daddy don’t tease me like this” he said “Jessie quiet” I said “Jace for a only having sex once you know a lot” he replied “Babe...respectfully shut up” I took this as a hint. He whispered into my ear “Your gonna pay for those shenanigans in the front yard. Here are the rules no speaking unless spoken to (moaning is allowed actually encouraged), no cumming till I tell u to, and you will address me by daddy. Is that understood?” “Yes daddy” be continued

Make sure to comment what you want to see. Next chapter will be out in 30 mins