

Is it possible to be so damn stressed out that your body won’t go into labor ? I take care of my 21 month old son all day every day mostly by myself and even though my husband helps sometimes he doesn’t and hasn’t treated me like I’m pregnant, like his bed is upstairs and obviously being 10 months pregnant and carrying a 25 pound toddler is a lot for me considering it’s already hard without carrying him but yet he’ll make me do it and I’m the ONLY one who gives him baths and change him during the day and chase him around, he’s in the worst of terrible twos and literally all day he’s getting into something and I’ll stop him and then full tantrum and this happens all day like every 5 minutes. I’m starting to think that the reason I’m still pregnant is because I have never been so stressed and miserable in these past months 😩😩 I’m 3cm and 50% effaced and I still feel like there’s no end in sight