Pictures of positive pregnancy tests are a trigger for me

Gracie • Wifey, nurse, future mommy ❤️ 7/2019 ❤️

Is this weird? I had a miscarriage. I’m scrolling through Facebook. One of those “sponsored” ads pops up and the headline pictures a positive pregnancy test. I’m immediately triggered. Even looking back through my own phone at pics, if I have to go back to where the pics of my positive tests are (pics that I refuse to delete because idk why) I look away or close my eyes while scrolling past them. Anyway, is this weird? Pics like this one here. Anybody else feel triggered or sad or some kind of way seeing a pic of a positive test? It’s something about the fact that I’ve had positive ones myself and now all I have are negatives. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️